Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  • Any age or breed of dog is allowed at Galashiels Doggy Day Care, provided they meet the criteria described below, in our information sheet and registration form.
  • All dogs will be subject to an initial assessment by Galashiels Doggy Day Care staff prior to using our services. We reserve the right to refuse our services to any dog.
  • Payment for any GDDC service is required in advance via our app booking system or by bank transfer, if payment has not been received by 10pm the night before service is due to take place, your booking will be cancelled and no service carried out by GDDC.
  • All males over the age of 12 months must be neutered.
  • The client agrees that by bringing their dog to Galashiels Doggy Day Care, that we are relying on the client’s representation that their dog is in good health and has not harmed or showed aggressive behaviour towards any person or other dogs. Any behaviour deemed dangerous or inappropriate may result in the withdrawal of our services.
  • The client understands that Galashiels Doggy Day Care provides an environment where dogs mix together in groups and the client accepts that during the course of normal play their dog may sustain injuries. All dog play is supervised and carefully monitored, however, at times injury may be unavoidable. Galashiels Doggy Day Care will not be held liable for injuries sustained to any dog whilst under their care.
  • All dogs must be fully vaccinated prior to starting at day care. A copy of the client’s dog’s vaccination certificate must be shown before their first visit, with up-to-date treatment. All dogs must be in good health and have not been ill with any contagious disease or condition within the last 30 days.
  • Should your dog start to display symptoms of illness during their time at daycare, they will be isolated from the group and you will be called to collect them as soon as possible.
  • Puppies may begin Galashiels Doggy Day Care’s Puppy Club one week after their second vaccination has been given.
  • Females may not attend day care whilst in season or pregnant.
  • All dogs must wear a collar or harness, fitting tight enough that it will not slip over their head.
  • All dogs must have a complete, up-to-date and approved registration form on file. It is the clients responsibility to inform GDDC of any changes to the information provided.
  • If dogs become anti-social (biting, excessive rough play, show threatening behaviour towards other dogs and/or staff), they may be isolated from the group and the owners informed to pick up their pet at the earliest time. In the event our day care is not right for your dog and another pet care provider contacts us for a reference, a standard email reply will be issued advising that we cannot discuss individual cases as dogs respond differently in different environments.
  • Dogs must self-isolate for 2 weeks before coming to Galashiels Doggy Daycare if they have visited another day care facility. If your dog visits another facility it is your responsibility to make us aware of this.
  • In case of emergency or for use of the pick up/drop off services, the client gives permission for their dog to be transported in a company vehicle. Galashiels Doggy Day Care does not accept any liability for any accident or injury incurred during transportation.
  • We have a strict 24 hour cancellation policy, any cancellations made within 24 hours of the booking will be charged at full price.
  • The client allows their dog to be photographed/videoed and understands that this may be published, displayed or used for advertising purposes. Pictures are an extra and although we do not charge a fee for them they are not included in the day care price.
  • If the client requires Galashiels Doggy Daycare to administer medication to their dog whilst in our care, we must have a completed Medical Consent form on file.
  • Galashiels Doggy Daycare reserves the right to refuse admittance at any time, for any reason.
  • Our team value the importance of familiarity, routine, and bonding; all dogs in our care are regulars to enable them to build nurturing relationships. For the safety, happiness, and overall wellbeing of your dog they must attend day care for a minimum of one day per week. This allows the dogs to maintain their relationships with staff and the other dogs whilst also giving them routine.
  • If dogs do not attend day care for 30 days or more, they must be re-enrolled and will be subject to a re-assessment fee of £30.
  • Dogs should be dropped off at the centre before 10am on the day of their booking.
  • We offer lunchtime feeding at mid-day, should they require it. Please provide their lunch in a secure tupperware box with their name clearly displayed.
  • On arrival to Galashiels Doggy Day Care, all dogs are to remain on lead until inside the gated area.
  • If your dog is collected from the centre late, after 6pm, you will be charged a late fee of £1 per minute, this is payable to the company bank account and no future bookings can be made until the fee is paid in full.